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Always be curious.


October 2020


As a contributing Expert of BACKSTAGE, the largest casting website and career platform for performers, Inetra offers a new kind of ABC's for actors.


Click below to read the full BACKSTAGE article.

Get your wellness on.


April 2020


FREE online Wellness Quarantine Retreat on the weekend of April 18-19 from 6am-6pm PST / 9a-9p EST!! We're in an interesting time of resisting overwhelm, fears, anxiety & all the feels right now worldwide. It's times like these we need to take moments to relax our minds, move our bodies and nurture our souls.  Inetra Brazil, Hellen Yuan & Vanessa Garcia have curated & produced this virtual retreat  all on Instagram LIVE with 20+ sessions of wellness practitioners, artists, musicians, therapists, aromatherapists, energy workers & more from LA, NY & other countries. This powerhouse team created the event as a way unite people to give & get some healing & relief. For more info, updates & access to the full retreat resource guide of special offers and promotions, follow: 

Frontline soldiers.


March 2020


SAVE A LIFE TO SAVE LIVES. This global pandemic is a crisis and we are at war with an unseen enemy. Our doctors and nurses on the frontlines are the true heroes. They need our help. Surgical & N95 masks are in short supply (PPEs). Spearheaded by HELLEN New York, we are taking donations to supply protective gear to health care workers serving COVID-19 patients.


Your help is needed. We are asking for monetary donations to purchase and deliver PPEs to high demand hospitals in California and New York. Use this Go Fund Me link for more information and to donate:

Notable guest.


September 2019


Imagine Fest is a Yoga + Music + Conscious Conversation fundraising festival to benefit the non-profit, Unlikely Heroes, a local non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating child victims of sex trafficking in the United States and other countries including Nigeria, Thailand, Mexico and the Philippines. Many of the world’s most frightening and unimaginable issues are often closer to us than we know. The organization focuses on rescuing and rehabilitating the lives of these children through post-trauma therapy, education, medical care and job training to reframe their childhood into a happy and healthy one..

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